The Painter of Words
{The words are my paints and my fantasy is my canvas}

Photo by from Pexels
Maria Vermisoglou is an International Bestselling author of fantasy and paranormal with an obsession for witches. She loves throwing her heroes into impossible situations. Maria draws inspiration from books, travel, and…the ceiling. (So blame the ceiling!)
Maria started writing when the stories she read became too boring and the voices in her mind too loud.
When she's not writing, she loves a good ride on the fantasy dragon, but a book can also be exciting, along with a cup of tea.
Nowadays, you can find her in Athens, exploring the mysteries of the ancient world.
In July 2018, she was nominated as the second place winner in the First Annual Indie Awards as the Favorite New Female Author.
"You can reach the impossible. You only have to believe it."
Okay, this is a normal bio for every writer, but it's boooring. So, let's get to more interesting details. I love books even though there was a time where I hated them (I am still trying to forget that period!). The book that taught me to love books was Harry Potter. After that, things took their own way. Book after book, after book, I spent lots of money on books. They are my friends and make me travel, they're there when I am happy, sad, or depressed.
Four years ago, I finished The City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. It was the last book. Nothing else after that, so I was like "what now? How am I going to live without these amazing characters?"
*Fun fact* When I read an amazing book and get obsessed with it, I create stories in my head. I take a part of the story and turn it into something new. But I never put it on paper.
Until that day. I was really sad that there were no more books (at the time) about TMI, so I thought, "What if Clary was a witch?" That's how everything started. At first, Eva and Clary were very much alike in appearance and character, but as the story unfolded, Eva took her own shape. The strange thing though is that she wanted to be called Eva.
Writing was like magic. Every word poured before I could think it. I can't really explain it, but I knew what to write before I knew it. When I hit "Publish," it was the happiest day of my life, and also it opened doors for places I didn't know existed. Thanks to Eva, I have writer friends all around the globe, and my English is better than before. My writing gets better with every story and as for my fantasy? I like to leave it to the characters.
I am a librarian and books are my world, but combine it with the writing aspect and you get something like this: